I was reading an article the other day on the Country Design Style blog called Quick Cleaning Tips. I especially like the wear your cleaning tools section, so that you can carry all the cleaning bottles around with you, rather than have to go back to the cupboard every 5 minutes!

This in my eyes is absolutely essential as the older we get, the more we forget and find ourselves in rooms that we had no idea how we got into or what we are meant to be doing in them lol. With the house cleaning belt on, you'll always have a gentle reminder of what you should be doing:-)

Actually, I think this idea is that good, I may even try and prototype the idea and get my rear on Dragon's Den. I'll give them 10% for a £100,000 cash investment!

The full article is here: http://countrydesignstyle.com/2013/11/26/quick-cleaning-tips/

lol at the homemade cleaner:-)

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